Hope seems to be in limited supply lately. Perhaps it is because we have forgotten the importance of understanding relationships. Because we are living in a world where broken relationships are taken for granted, it is easy to miss the fact that we have a valuable relationship that is breaking. Its breakdown is hurting everyone, not only in the United States, but in every nation of the world where there are individuals who would like to have liberty.
Perpetuate liberty and prosperity is inevitable.
The connection between liberty and prosperity has been broken and it is time to plug them into each other again. People think they can have freedom without responsibility. This is akin to thinking you can ignore gravity and it will not affect you.
When you read The Connection Between Liberty and Prosperity for yourself, you will have a renewed understanding of why liberty is not only necessary for prosperity, but perpetuating liberty makes prosperity inevitable. You will see that a sense of entitlement destroys liberty and that any policy that fosters dependency and poverty is really a policy against liberty.
You can have this e-book in your hands in a couple of minutes and be further along to doing your part to promote liberty around the world.